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Saturday, November 19, 2011

International Society of Caricature Artists!

Just finished a great week in St. Pete beach with hundreds of caricaturists from all over the world!
Along with seeing some old friends and making new ones, I also got second place as World's Fastest Caricaturist, competing with hundreds of artists from 9 different countries.

Below are just a few of my drawings of other caricaturists who attended the event!

See if you can spot the faces below...

Myself and Jan Op De Beeck, who I consider to be as good as any caricaturist alive and possibly the best!

Dan Almarei, you want this guy around to turn a night of drawing into a nonstop weeklong party!

The president of the International Society of Caricature Artists, Mr. Steve Hearn.

John Sprague and myself.

Ryan Rhoades, a digital caricaturist like myself from Florida.

L to R, Jeff Mandell, myself, Ryan Rhoades, and Salah Khudari. 

This was my first time at the convention for more than a couple days, and I got to see what it was really about. I learned a lot, and next year's convention in Texas can't come soon enough!