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Tuesday, September 20, 2011

My new Work Station

This is my new easel!

I spent all day with my friend Conrad Meyers building it up. What it means for me and my clients is that I no longer need a table, or any special requirements to work! My footprint is tiny for trade shows, with no need to rent multiple tables or chairs. I can just pop this up, and work all of my jobs right from this. Best of all, it fits in a backpack, and the whole thing weighs very little, which is important as I fly around the US a lot for work.

It's made from a carbon fiber tripod from Calumet, and aluminum and steel fabricated pieces. The laptop is held in place with velcro, and the cintiq (the drawing pad on the right) screws right in to the top of the easel on a standard camera mount.

More photos Below:

For any sort of fabrication, Conrad Meyers is a master. He's built for a lot of museums in the Bay Area and makes his living building, whether it be homes or one of a kind projects like this. Contact him at fictivelife@gmail.com (Conrad Meyers) for any ideas you have in mind!